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Spring Training for the Soul

Lent begins Wednesday, March 5th

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an important part of Lent for many of us. Ashes are a reminder that we are dust – mortal, fragile, broken. We remember that we “all fall down” and are all in need of forgiveness and grace.


It is also a day we remember that we are Beloved and Children of God, made part of a new community, and called and empowered to live a new life.

Pastor Sandy’s SABBATICAL begins MONDAY MARCH 10. 

Pastor Sandy will start her sabbatical at MLB Spring Training in Arizona. Baseball may not be your “thing” but we hope you will join the team at AGLC in some “Spring Training for the Soul” during Lent this year.


Traditionally Lent is a season of spiritual renewal. Just as MLB teams are in Arizona & Florida getting in shape for the beginning of a new baseball season, so we are invited during Lent to brush up on our fundamentals and be more intentional about how we practice our faith.  There will be worship on Wednesday nights at 7pm,


Daily devotionals to read and reflect on (some written by our “own” Pastor Lisa Smith-Fiegel, suggested practices for kids and families and a special Zoom class with Pastor Meta Herrick Carlson (see below for sign up).


In his life, death and resurrection, Jesus shows us Love is the Way and there are all kinds of ways we get to practice that Way together. Let us re-turn to God throughout these forty days as we seek new life. Together let us live in hope with the Holy Spirit, who makes all things new – even us. 

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